2018. november 18., vasárnap

Hallo, Deutschschule

Online Deutschkurs: 

Auf der Seite der Sprachschule kann man sehr gute Materialien zur Sprachniveau A1 finden:


Quelle: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/YR2yrLmQZ-I/maxresdefault.jpg

1 megjegyzés:

  1. Hi,

    I really like your Blog and its sounds great.

    This is Ashley Bakeer from Basel, Switzerland. I am working in ILS - International Language School.

    Ils-Basel Language School offers training in German Basel from the beginning. You can add your existing language skill in German and English from the school. It also offers tuition classes for e weak students for extra care. So, the students can Deutschkurs in the language school or institute. The language school will offer training from the basic level. If the students are educated above the basic level, then the starting point will be the lower point of the base level.

    ILS Basel Is the most popular Language School in Switzerland. Please Visit our School or visit us Online.

    Thank you
